Creation Date: 01-01-1899
Creation End Date: 31-12-1899

Temporal Extent:
Begin Date: 01-01-1899
End Date: 31-12-1899

Document origin:


Document Type: Non-georeferenced Map

Equivalent Scale: 1:24606
Remark on spatial scale:

Topic Category: Military

Keyword Collection:
  • Keyword: Geographical names
    Associated Thesaurus: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
    Reference Date: 01-06-2008 (Publication Date)

Language: French

Unique Identifier Institution:
Code: 513_0521_000_01243_000_0_0001
Code Space (Institution): State Archives

Dataset Contact:
Organisation: State Archives
Role: Point Of Contact
Contact Info:
E-Mail Address:

Metadata contact:
Organisation: State Archives
Role: Point Of Contact
Contact Info:
E-Mail Address:

Metadata Date: 11-02-2019

Metadata Language: Dutch

Additional languages:
  • Language: French
    Country: Belgium
    Character Encoding: utf8
  • Language: German
    Country: Belgium
    Character Encoding: utf8

Spatial Extent:
West Bounding Longitude: 3.05007934570313
East Bounding Longitude: 3.17642211914063
North Bounding Latitude: 51.0923105488615
South Bounding Latitude: 50.9921500315927
Spatial Reference: EPSG:4326

Bounding Polygon:
Coordinates: 3.05007934570313 51.0923105488615 3.17642211914063 51.0923105488615 3.17642211914063 50.9921500315927 3.05007934570313 50.9921500315927 3.05007934570313 51.0923105488615
Spatial Reference: EPSG:4326

Constraints: Free Access – Rights Reserved © Copyright State Archives of Belgium

Legal Constraints:
Other Constraints: Free Access – Rights Reserved © Copyright State Archives of Belgium

Online Resource:
Resource URL: